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Thursday, 26 March 2015 13:08

Facebook - N332 Traffic Department Information Group

Here is a message from the Guardia Civil Traffic 


We represent a group of Guardia Civil traffic police who have set up an information page on Facebook,  "N332",   https://www.facebook.com/TorreviejaTrafficDepartment and an accompanying website,   n332.es

The idea was to provide accurate information to foreign drivers as to both the rules of the road here in Spain, as well as changes to the law that they may not be aware of, in addition to important advice about driving and road use in general.

Already, our Facebook page has been phenomenally successful, reaching over 7,000 followers in a matter of weeks. We try to answer as many questions as we can on Facebook, but as you can imagine, as we are approaching 8,000 followers now, it is becoming increasingly difficult to answer everybody, especially as many of the questions are the same. That is why we set up the website, as a catalogue of the articles for easier reference.

The reason for contacting with you is to see if there is any way in which we can collaborate to help spread the information we produce, and we are also happy to share any information you make public in terms of press releases and advice, so please add us to your press mailing list also. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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This article reproduced from information received from Orihuela Costa Neighbourhood Watch.




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