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Wednesday, 04 August 2021 07:31

Notice of Fumigation

Dear owners,

Due to the continuous problems with pests in the common areas, we have contacted a gardening company who has confirmed that it is necessary to fumigate both the common areas and the private gardens.  

Several communications have been sent requesting the owners to do the corresponding fumigations, but we understand that due to the situation in which we find ourselves, many owners will not be able to come yet to the community, so the community Will do all fumigations, both in common and private areas, on the 9 and 10 of August between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm  


  • Remove the personal belongings from the Gardens, clothes or children's toys
  • Keep windows and doors closed
  • Do not eat the treated plants
  • If you have to wash any of the treated areas, do it with water against a wall, not against the treated plants, since the product used will cease to be efficient.
  • Do not leave pets in the gardens during and after 3 hours after the fumigation.  

Thank you very much for your help.  

Kind regards  

Bárbara Gómez Laguna

Mileniun Levante Administradores de Fincas

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